Explain what type of guest you're seeking.

Experts, authors, speakers etc. show interest.

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We send weekly emails with guest opportunities with media outlets.

Fill out a simple form to show your interest in relevant media outlets.

Get booked and grow your audience!

Thanks to Expert Connections, I have secured interviews with dozens of media outlets across several genres. Weekly newsletters inform me of opportunities that I would otherwise be unaware of but which prove ideal for my messaging and preferred audiences. Expert Connections has become an extremely valuable marketing and media resource tool and I highly recommend it to others seeking to extend their brand, too."

Lynn Sweeney, Author, International Speaker and Entrepreneur

I spent 20 years in the media business as an on-air host, producer and manager.

I love how media allows experts, entrepreneurs, speakers and authors to share knowledge with the world. 

But there are two big challenges that face most media outlets: finding great guests and increasing listenership.  

That’s why I created Expert Connections.  

Need great guests? Find experts that already know what it takes to be a guest and invite them on your program.  

Want more exposure? Expert Connections has got you covered.

It’s as simple as that. And it’s free (for now). Click the applicable button above to sign up now and tell your friends about Expert Connections!  

– Nikki